How is Pho Tru thriving with a pandemic?
- Added on 19 . Aug . 2021
- Submitted By wadmin
Covid -19 hit the world, and the global hospitality industry faced the first wave of disruptions. The scene of disturbances continues in the second wave. HORECA sector has accepted the changes quite well and is following every rule authorized by the local government.
The pandemic has rocked the restaurant industry and shown just how agile it isn't. The ongoing scenario has permanently changed the service industry and will continue to shift in the future. The good news is that the tourism industry is again opening its doors and providing a customer experience like never before.
Pho Tru is successfully innovating and finding new and creative ways to serve customers. In the service industry, the customer is always right. Besides looking for excellent food and vibe, customers now look at whether the restaurant is using clear optics to keep them safe.
Following are some steps that Pho Tru is taking to keep its customers secure and is the best place to eat out even in this tough time:
- The restaurant encourages its staff to wash hands frequently(at least 20 seconds), including after exchanging objects such as money or credit cards with guests.
- Respiratory etiquette is to be strictly followed. This involves the strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing of used tissues properly.
- Physical distancing is a significant criterion that restaurants emphasize. We at Pho Tru maintain a safe distance from other staff and guests.
- We are keeping a gap between the tables and have limited the number of people coming to the restaurants. We are also following the social distancing norm while preparing food in the kitchen. Our primary concern is to keep our customers safe and contribute to barricading this virus from escalating.
- At Pho Tru, we use disinfectant cloth and wipes for surface cleaning. Cleaning surroundings and keeping things spick and span are essential duties that every restaurant should pledge on. High-touch surfaces are cleaned and disinfected frequently.
- Cleaning and disinfection measures in common areas (such as restrooms, reception, and sitting areas) are taken seriously as a preventive measure at Pho Tru. Objects that are frequently touched, such as handles, switches, and doorknobs, receive special attention from our housekeeping department.
- Our staff uses single-use rubber gloves, and hands are washed between glove-changing processes.
- We also motivate our staff members to wear medical masks for whole working hours. Our chefs are also committed to wearing impermeable aprons.
- At Pho Tru, customers entering and leaving the restaurant are alarmed to clean their hands using an alcohol-based hand run, preferably located at the entrances of those facilities.
We are taking the best preventive measures to ensure our customers feel safe and secure in this challenging period. Our customers can sit and enjoy their meals with a carefree mindset.